DASPy is released on Python open source software repositories PyPI and conda-forge
The open source software DASPy (https://github.com/HMZ-03/DASPy/) for distributed coustic sensing seismology data processing developed by Minzhe Hu is released on the Python public software library PyPI (https://pypi.org/project/DASPy-toolbox/) and conda-forge (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/daspy-toolbox), and supports multiple installation methods:
Install through PyPI: pip install daspy-toolbox
Install through Conda: conda install daspy-toolbox or conda install conda-forge::daspy-toolbox
Install through GitHub: pip install git+https://github.com/HMZ-03/DASPy.git
In addition, DASPy has currently built Chinese/English tutorial documents, Jupyter Notebook examples and published them in the journal Seismological Research Letters:
Chinese tutorial: https://daspy-tutorial-cn.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/
English tutorial: https://daspy-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Jupyter Notebook example: https://github.com/HMZ-03/DASPy/blob/main/document/example.ipynb
Paper link: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/ssa/srl/article/95/5/3055/645865/DASPy-A-Python-Toolbox-for-DAS-Seismology
If you find any problems during use, please contact Minzhe Hu via hmz2018@mail.ustc.edu.cn