University of Science and Technology of China - Data Mining for Seismology Data Mining for Seismology
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Code& Data

The code or data listed below were developed or collected by DAMS members. They are shared here for expediating the communication of research results among scientific communities. They can be freely used at your own risk, given that the contributions of DAMS are appropriatedly cited or acknowledged in your publications.

Image Note: They can only be used for academic purpose. For other purposes, please contact with Prof. Zefeng Li.

  1. Matlab package of an automatic phase picker for local earthquakes: PSIRpicker and Tutorial.
  2. Shear-wave splitting measurements of local earthquakes (1995-2014) in southern California: SWS Database.
  3. Python package of high-resolution microseismic detection (local similarity based) for Large-N arrays. Available upon request.
  4. A simple Python script for for DAS channel location interpolation: DASInterp and Tutorial.